World UFO Day- Is There Anybody Out There?

Are aliens real? That’s the million-dollar question and one that nearly every kid asks after watching an alien cartoon or movie. For people who are crazy about star wars, ET or any of the famous Hollywood movies or series’ based on aliens, world UFO day gives them hope that there is someone out there in the space that is more intelligent than humans and has an in-depth knowledge of the universe. 

World UFO Day

Every year, on July 02, world UFO day is celebrated. The full form of UFO is Unidentified Flying Object and the concept of it came into being after the Rosswell incident in New Mexico. In July 1947, a Project Mogul balloon crashed in at Rosswell and the wreckage was covered up as a weather ballon’s, to cover up the fact that Us government was spying on Russians through it. This gave the rise to conspiracy theories and several extraterrestrial themed movies came into being in the 70s and 80s. 

It should also be mentioned that in the early 1900s, Kenneth Arnold, an aviator, spotted 9 unusual objects flying over Washington. His description of these objects was that they looked “saucer-like” or like “a big flat disk” which became the symbol of spaceships. And that’s still how most of us imagine a spacecraft as! 

July 2 was declared as WFO day by World WFO Day Organization to raise awareness regarding the existence of UFOs and also that there are intelligent beings from outer space. WUFODO has encouraged governments to declassify all their UFO sightings to the public so people can put together their minds and send message to UFOs, welcoming them to planet Earth.
