The Better the POS, the Better the Customer Service!

Shopping requires time and effort. You drive down to a shopping store, check aisle after aisle for what you want, check and recheck your shopping list to ensure you have everything there and then finally make way to the cashier. You share pleasantries with the cashier, he takes one item after other while you wait. You find yourself uncomfortable, with a line of people standing behind you waiting for their turn. You shift your weight from one foot to the other. You watch impatiently as the cashier picks one item of your and then manually enters the price and other data into the system. 

You feel like the people standing in the line behind you are judging you because of how many items you’ve bought and how long they have to wait because of you. You groan internally thinking its not your fault the store doesn’t have a grocery store POS software. And so you have no choice but to wait as the cashier enters all the data manually and prints out the receipt. The receipt that you throw out as soon as you go out of the store, to the nearest bin! 

The entire process results in making you hathe the cashier and the store because of the huge amount of time spent in calculating the total. You rationally know that it isn’t the cashier’s fault, that he was doing the best he could with the outdated software he had on his hands, but you still aren’t happy with him! This scenario shows that a good POS system means better customer service.

Customer Database:

Every customer like to know that they are valued individually at a store. If a customer is addressed by his name at the local shop he visits often, it will make him happy and probably a returning customer. However, this is often not possible when hundreds of customers are dealt with every day. It’s much worse when you end up mixing their name! 

A POS system has the ability to do your job for you with ease. A customer database automatically stores all the customer information once he makes a transaction at your store. The email addresses are secure in the customer database and can be accessed when you want to run a promotion, send a newsletter or generate custom offers! The emails sent are addressed personally, making your customers feel like they matter to you! 

Speedy Transactions:

Given how accustomed we have become with technology performing and easing our tasks, speediness is something we expect now. Plus, we have so many things going in our lives simultaneously that patience is starting to run low among people. If your transaction system is fast and you are able to bill your customers quickly, you are the winner in the customer’s eyes. The lesser the processing time, the more time customers save, the happier they are! Barcode scanning is a must part of POS systems, and they help in improving the processing time and efficiency of cash counters. 

Smart Promotions:

POS systems provide you with automated inventory control too. You are notified when you are overstocked or understocked, which of your product is the most popular among your customers, the number of items sold per day, etc. 

These insights are great while devising promotions. You find a pattern that your products are sold less on Wednesdays as compared to other days, so what do you do? You put up a promotion on Wednesday so more people buy on that day, and you get a good profit out of it! The coupons you generate for the promotion can be shared on the social media platforms of your business, sent through emails and SMS.
